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Cash Prizes for 5 Different Species:

1. Lake Trout Pups

2. Brown Trout

3. Rainbow/Cutthroat Trout

4. Bass

5. Carp


First Place Cash Prize per fish species $1000

Second Place Cash Prize per fish species $500

Third Place Cash Prize per fish species $250


Lake Trout Pup Category Big 10 (Saturday Only)

First Place Cash Prize $500

Second Place Cash Prize $300

Third Place Cash Prize $200


Lake Trout Pups will be a big 10 format. See rule #21 for details.

2024 will have a Green Wing youth category 17 years of age and under.

The exception is that if they enter a fish in the regular category they will only be eligible for one or the other not both categories.


First Place Cash Prize per fish species $200
Second Place Cash Prize per fish species $100
Third Place Cash Prize per fish species $50


Early bird ends May 24th and the winner will pick a prize from our Sportsman's Banner!



Please read as we have new rules and regulations for 2024 with added categories



  1. A team consists of 1-4 anglers. All team members must fish together (use the same boat, bank, etc.). Passengers are allowed in the boat. 

  2. Entry Fee: $250 per team* Personal Checks, cash, certified funds, and credit cards** are accepted. Teams with returned checks or denied credit cards will be contacted and given one more chance to provide the entry fees. *Entry fees will be higher if team shirts are purchased. 

  3. All teams must check-in at The Hub to pick up their registration packet on Friday, June 21st, 2024 between 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM (No later than 7:00 PM). 

  4. Fishing times: Saturday, June 22nd, 5:30 AM to 6:30 PM & Sunday, June 23rd, 5:30 AM to 11:00 AM 

  5. Fish must be registered at Lucerne Valley Marina parking lot no later than 1 hour after the close of each day. No Exceptions. The scales will close at 7:30 PM on Saturday and 12:00 PM Sunday. 

  6. All Entries will be based on weight; in case of a tie, *length will be used as the tie breaker. *Length is measured by squeezing the tail fin of the fish to get the length at the very end of the fish.

  7. The Derby is subject to cancellation or postponement due to weather conditions. Those decisions will be made by Derby officials, Lucerne Valley Marina, US Forest Service, Wyoming Game and Fish, and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Anglers will be notified by text messaging services. 

  8. All contestants must observe all US Coast Guard, Wyoming Game and Fish, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah State Parks, US Forest Service, Daggett County Rules & Regulations, and Sweetwater County Rules and Regulations. All contestants must abide by all Wyoming Game and Fish regulations concerning fishing, aquatic invasive species and boating. Any participant found to violate any Game and Fish regulation from 5:30am Saturday until 11am Sunday will be disqualified.

  9. Carp category: Fish may be caught either by bow fishing or line and tackle.

  10.  All teams are required to report to Derby Officials on Saturday evening no later than 7:30 PM and Sunday by 1 PM (by cell phone text or call). This is to report you are safe. You may continue fishing; however any fish not reported by the deadline or caught after you have reported in will not be eligible. Any team not checked in by those times will get 1 call to the captain’s number listed. No response will result in disqualification of the ENTIRE team and forfeiture of entry fee. No exceptions!!

  11. All contestants must abide by Utah and Wyoming Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations.

    1. Any Watercraft that has been in water infested with Zebra/Quagga mussels within the last 30 days is required to undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized inspector prior to launching.

    2.  "Any contest watercraft coming from out of the state of Wyoming, is required to undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized AIS inspector prior to launching. Participants violating that regulation will be disqualified."

  12. All of Flaming Gorge Reservoir is involved in the tournament, except Bass which is only open on Utah waters. No Boundaries, except for no fishing inside of the buoys of Buck Board, Lucerne Valley, and Cedar Springs Marinas. 

  13. Trailering of boats to other launches is allowed.

  14. All teams are to meet back at The Hub on Sunday June 26th, 2022 at 1:00 PM. Where there will be a barbeque and prizes given away. 

  15. There will not be a total team weight category. All fish entered are subject to examination by Fisheries Biologists and Derby Officials. Up to and including opening of any fish for inspection. Anyone caught using anything to increase the weight of the fish will disqualify the entire team. 

  16. Weigh-in station will be provided at Lucerne Valley Marina. 2 slips will be provided to temporarily dock.

  17. Anglers are prohibited from procuring the services of an outfitter or guide. 

  18. Rubber nets are recommended when netting Trout and Bass. If you do not have a rubber net, anglers must release ALL Trout in the water. While reeling ANY trout to the boat, and angler decides that it is worthy of check-in, the angler can boat it and check that fish. If not, the angler will shake it off the line or remove the hook(s) with pliers in the water. This reduces handling time, descaling and exposure to the air. All of which could play a role in the fish’s mortality.

  19. Only one fish per category per angler may be entered throughout the tournament (excluding Laker Pups). Fish must be caught during Derby hours on Flaming Gorge Reservoir. In case of a tie, the length of the fish will be used to determine the winner. 

  20. Culling is not permitted. The decision to release a fish or keep it for contest entry must be made immediately. Once a fish is put on a stringer, in a container or a live well it can’t be released. 

  21. Pup Lake Trout Category. The top 3 teams with the biggest 10 fish combined weight will determine winner(s). Pup Lake Trout category is any fish equal to or less than 28 inches. Each team may enter no more than 10 fish on Saturday. (10 Lake Trout equal to or less than 28 inches. The tie breaker will be the largest Lake Pup Trout, weight first and length will prevail. Fish greater than 28 inches will be disqualified and not count towards the total weight. (There is no separate youth category, all anglers included in this category) Derby officials make the final determination.
    Officials will only weigh 10 fish per day, you must sort and decide which 10 fish to bring to the scale along with having your heaviest fish sorted out.

  22. BASS MAY ONLY BE CAUGHT IN UTAH WATERS! Any contestant caught with bass in their possession in Wyoming will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

  23. Anglers must not release any burbot they catch. All burbot must be immediately killed.

  24. Big 5 Carp Category. Teams will be allowed to weigh 5 fish per day. The teams with the largest 2 day combined weight (10 fish total) determines team placement. 100% of side pot will be paid out and determined by amount of teams entered. Top 3 teams will be in the money. Ties will be determined by heaviest fish and if needed, length of fish will be final tie breaker.  

Prize Qualification Based on the Following:

1. Lake Trout: Fish must be freshly caught, a maximum length of 28” (inches) for entry eligibility.  
2. Length Qualification: All Trout or  must be 18” (inches) or longer.  

3. Carp has no limit.

4. Bass has no size limit. 


Grounds for Disqualification

Violations of any laws or rules regarding fishing and boating safety regulations by the following jurisdictions: Utah Division of Wildlife, Utah State Parks, Wyoming Fish and Game, Wyoming State Parks, and US Forest Service. Violating any derby rules will also be grounds for disqualification. 

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